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'Andrea worked with a child in my school who was selective mute. Over 12 weeks she developed a strong relationship with this child  working on self esteem confidence through play  and Art.  She  worked with class teacher around classroom strategies and met the family, so joining up the team around this child.'  Primary School Head Teacher

My child just woudn't go to school. We didn't know what to do and the school were stuck too, Andrea's home visits and coming into school with my child made a huge difference. Y6 Parent
'Andrea was recommended to us by another school as someone who was able to work with a family as well as a child in school. There had been a sudden bereavement in the family and the child was really struggling. Andrea's weekly interventions and home visits made a real difference to this child at a desperate time.   Sensitive, professional and truly caring.'  Secondary School Head of Year

'Therapeutic intervention has been successful' OFSTED Report June 2022 - Primary School
Coming to the family home and talking to us together made a real difference. At last I felt there was someone who could work with home and at school to help my son. The work she did with us was so understanding- we feel she has made a big difference to us all.' Parent of a Y7 Child.
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